
Showing posts from March, 2020

Chapter 114 - Friend Circle

Today on Kingdom Smarts: Ven helps out Tinkerbell, Shannon laments a world we didn't get, and Jake can feel Ven's endgame coming Patreon: Email: Twitter: @kingdomsmarties Use #KingdomSmarts to talk about show or #khfree to talk spoilers! Shannon is @shannonmanor Jake is @jj_mason

Chapter 113 - The Rowdy Rough Boys

Today on Kingdom Smarts: Ven gets a posse, Shannon introduces us to some boyfriends, and Jake tries to figure out why Organization 13 Patreon: Email: Twitter: @kingdomsmarties Use #KingdomSmarts to talk about show or #khfree to talk spoilers! Shannon is @shannonmanor Jake is @jj_mason

Chapter 112 - Why Won't You Let Me Go With You?

Today On Kingdom Hearts: The three heroes meet back up with each other, Shannon reintroduces some old faces, and Jake has some sibling feelings Patreon: Email: Twitter: @kingdomsmarties Use #KingdomSmarts to talk about show or #khfree to talk spoilers! Shannon is @shannonmanor Jake is @jj_mason

Chapter 111 - Once Upon A Dream

Today on Kingdom Smarts: Ven sees someone else's memories, Shannon takes us through a castle maze, and Jake asks for some fanart Patreon: Email: Twitter: @kingdomsmarties Use #KingdomSmarts to talk about show or #khfree to talk spoilers! Shannon is @shannonmanor Jake is @jj_mason