
Showing posts from January, 2018

Chapter 024 - The Promise Is Real To Me

Today on Kingdom Smarts: Shannon teaches us a lesson about promises and Namine give some more answers. Jake is struggling to figure out who's on who's side. Email: Twitter: @kingdomsmarties Shannon is @shannonmanor Jake is @jj_mason

Chapter 023 - I Don't Exist Inside Your Heart

Today on Kingdom Smarts: Shannon reveals some important parts of Namine's backstory. Jake is tricked by the game. Email: Twitter: @kingdomsmarties Shannon is @shannonmanor Jake is @jj_mason

Chapter 022 - Mean Little Tricks

Today on Kingdom Smarts: Shannon retreads some stuff from the lost in order to get to a bombshell. Jake handles it as well as you would expect. Email: Twitter: @kingdomsmarties Shannon is @shannonmanor Jake is @jj_mason

Chapter 021 - We Three Were Never Apart

Today on Kingdom Smarts: Shannon takes us back a step in time to cover some very important things we missed and Jake isn't prepared for any of it. Email: Twitter: @kingdomsmarties Shannon is @shannonmanor Jake is @jj_mason

Chapter 020 - We're Supposed To Be Friends

Today on Kingdom Smarts: Shannon finishes up Atlantica and takes us back to Hollow Bastion for a sad reunion. Jake gets upset about Riku being mean to Sora. Email: Twitter: @kingdomsmarties Shannon is @shannonmanor Jake is @jj_mason