
Showing posts from November, 2019

Bonus - 358/2 Days Secret Reports

In lieu of a quiz we're ending our bonus episode for Kingdom Hearts 179 with the secret reports that were so secret even we didn't know about them last week. Join us to hear the game's story from the other Organization member's perspectives! Patreon: Email: Twitter: @kingdomsmarties Use #KingdomSmarts to talk about show or #khfree to talk spoilers! Shannon is @shannonmanor Jake is @jj_mason

Bonus - 358/2 Days Extras and Q&A

Today we're going over some multiplayer stuff and Roxas's diary before answering your questions about the game! Patreon: Email: Twitter: @kingdomsmarties Use #KingdomSmarts to talk about show or #khfree to talk spoilers! Shannon is @shannonmanor Jake is @jj_mason